
Cowshill and Lanehead Village Hall was built in 1909. In 2003 local people formed a committee to save the village hall as it had fallen into disrepair. It had no heating, no toilet and had become structurally unsound. It took 3 years of fundraising and the hall was reopened in July 2006. To restore it to its former glory and position it back into the heart of the community, £165,000 was raised through grants, coffee mornings, bric a brac sales and hard work.

Those contributing to the restoration were:
The Residents of the Upper Dale
Mr S Catlin
Mr M Stone
Christ’s Hospital in Sherburn
Durham County Council Education
The Sir James Knott Trust
The Lloyds TSB Trust
Lafarge Community Fund
The Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
The Northern Rock Foundation
Wear Valley District Council